Get Sebastian - Risking Forever: vol 4 FREE
Hiring Ainsley was a mistake, but firing the little beauty when she's broke seems unfair.
Besides, I like being around her. She doesn't want anything from me like everyone else.
She's not aggressive or forceful. She's sweet, unexpected, and, damn, if she isn't getting under my skin.
If I’m not careful, I'll drag her into my arms, my bed, and into the dark pit of my world—a place she doesn't belong. A place I don't belong, but a place I might be able to withstand if she's with me.
Sebastian - Risking Forever is a companion novella to the new adult romance Risking Forever: vol 1 of The Forever Series.
It's told from the hero, Sebastian's, POV and can be read along with Risking Forever: vol 1, which is told from the heroine, Ainsley's, POV.
Both novellas are a great introduction to The Forever Series.
*The first three volumes of The Forever Series are written in serial romance form and are short continuous stories.
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NOTE: Sebastian's POV has spoilers that aren't revealed in RISKING FOREVER, written in Ainsley's POV, until mid-novel of DARING FOREVER. If you don't want to ruin the anticipation built in the series, wait to read Sebastian's novel until after you've finished RISKING FOREVER and DARING FOREVER.
I kept the novels separate for this reason. If you don't mind spoilers, happy reading, but don't say I didn't warn you.